Shared by Mystech
Daddy, where were you when the Stormtrooper prototype armor came out?
I have been a fan of Japan-based Cyberdyne‘s robot suit HAL since I saw it for the first time in action about 6 years during a demo event in Tokyo. In a nutshell, HAL can help make paralyzed persons walk (and lift heavy objects) by transforming brain signals sensed through the skin into motion.
The robo suit has seen quite a few iterations over the years, becoming lighter, more flexible and eventually commercially available for hospitals and welfare institutions.
Our friends over at Diginfonews in Tokyo shot the video embedded below during the International Forum on Cybernics 2011 that took place in Japan earlier this month (it’s in English).
In the video, you can see (among other things) a special version of HAL that comes with a head-mounted brain interface that displays brain activity through colored LEDs, making it unnecessary to track that activity on PC screens: