Shared by Mystech
With parents taking their kids to the beach, sending them to camp and generally getting out into the “great gadget destroying outdoors” this might be a good camera that won’t break the bank if lost or broken.
By Andrew Liszewski
Even though it snap pics with a measly 1.3MP resolution, is completely lacking in any kind of usable zoom and forces you to squint at a 1.4-inch LCD display, there are some very good reasons why you should consider this Underwater Digi Cam available from Photojojo.
1) It’s cheap. Like $35 cheap. If you’ve ever thought about doing underwater photography and have bothered to price a waterproof housing for your DSLR or even your P&S, you’ll appreciate how affordable this is.
2) You’re not going to be doing as much underwater shooting as you think you are. If you’re a professional sealife photographer, then you won’t bat an eye at spending thousands of dollars on waterproof cases since you’ll probably be in the water every day. But if you really think you’ll be in your backyard pool day in and day out capturing priceless underwater moments of your kids, you’re kidding yourself. For the occasional vacation to the tropics though, it’s perfect.
3) It’s cheap. Sorry to keep mentioning this, but even if it manages to grab one decent set of photos before succumbing to the pressure of being 100 feet underwater (its promised depth) you’ve more than gotten your money’s worth out of it.
[ Photojojo – Underwater Digi Cam ] VIA [ Wired Gadget Lab ]