I love the idea of aquaponics, where fish and plants grow in a symbiotic relationship. The concept has been used on a larger scale to produce significant amounts of edible plants and fish, but this small-scale version is perfect for the home decoration or proof of concept. Video after the cut.
Grow fresh produce right in the comfort of your own home – beans, basil, thyme, baby greens, oregano, mint, parsley, spinach and so many other delicious foods! This closed-loop ecosystem uses the fish waste to naturally fertilize the plants above. In turn, the plants clean the water for your pet fish.
- The tank & garden top
- Air pump to bring your nutrients up and oxygenate the water
- 5 pots with pebbles (from which the plants will grow)
- Organic seeds (mixture of various herbs)
- Fish food and water conditioners to get started right away