That’s no moon… that’s dessert. In a post that could launch a thousand Star Wars jokes, one brilliant baker has crafted a Deathstar cake, DARK chocolate, of course.
This Death Star Cake was such fun to make that you just won’t know when to stop! It is made of Dark Chocolate Mud Cake and filled and covered in Dark Chocolate Ganache then grey Sugar-paste. Use two 8.5″ or 9″ metal kitchen bowls to bake the cakes.
List of Materials
- Dark Chocolate Mud Cake Ingredients to fill two 8.5″ metal bowls 500g unsalted butter 500g dark chocolate 2 tablespoon instant coffee 2-2/3 cups warm water 3 cups self raising flour 2 cup caster sugar 1/2 cup cocoa 4 eggs 2 teaspoon vanilla
- Dark Chocolate Ganache Ingredients 1.2 kg dark chocolate 500ml pure cream
- Sugarpaste 750g in grey to cover Death Star 350g in black to cover board 360g in dark grey for stick on blocks
- Royal Icing to decorate the blocks 250-300g pure icing sugar, sifted 2-4 drops acetic acid (white vinegar) 1 egg white
Line tins with greaseproof paper and add a collar of around 20 cms.
1. Grease and line base and sides of bowls with one thickness of baking paper, bringing paper 5cm above side of pan.
2. Combine chopped butter, chopped chocolate, coffee, and water in a saucepan.
Stir over low heat until chocolate is melted. Cool 15 minutes. Transfer mixture to bowl of mixer.
3. Add caster sugar to mixture and beat well until dissolved. Add sifted flour and cocoa, lightly beaten eggs and vanilla.
4. Pour mixture into prepared bowls.
5. Bake at 150C for 1 to 1-1/2 hours. Test with skewer. Cool cake in bowls.
6. Place cakes on 9″ round thin cake boards.
7. Make sure that the bottom half of the cake has a flat bottom to sit on.
To make the Ganache
Heat the cream until it just starts to bubble, pour over chocolate (which you have blitzed in the food processor to coffee granules size) and let it sit for about a minute to melt. Use a hand whisk to blend it all together then set aside to cool.
Your ganache at this point will be thin. You will have to let it set overnight until it thickens to a slightly thicker peanut butter consistency. Since I don’t have the patience to wait, I just let it cool to room temperature and then pop it in the fridge (don’t cover because you might get condensation). It would usually set in the fridge in about an hour or two. If it sets too hard, just microwave it in 10 second intervals (keep mixing it whenever you take it out).