Tame the Manliness With Body Hair Thinner

The term manscaping always makes me chuckle, but these folks have taken it to an art form… or a science… or maybe just a gadget geek obsession.  This should be perfect for the guy that already has the 5 o’clock shadow razor.

Mudage Jolie Body Hair Thinner

The Mudage Jolie Body Hair Thinner is a handy device for men who don’t want to scare girls away with their chest rug, but are reluctant to dispense with their body hair altogether! Simply pass it through your hairier areas to thin them down to a manageable amount.

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Beautiful Aquaponics Kickstarter Reaches Goal

I love the idea of aquaponics, where fish and plants grow in a symbiotic relationship.  The concept has been used on a larger scale to produce significant amounts of edible plants and fish, but this small-scale version is perfect for the home decoration or proof of concept. Video after the cut.

Self Cleaning Fish Tank Garden by Back To The Roots in technology news events home furnishings  Category

Grow fresh produce right in the comfort of your own home – beans, basil, thyme, baby greens, oregano, mint, parsley, spinach and so many other delicious foods! This closed-loop ecosystem uses the fish waste to naturally fertilize the plants above. In turn, the plants clean the water for your …
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Cybernetic Couture Explores Fashion & Personal Space

I like to imagine this would be what would happen if Dr. Octopus and Spiderman had a love-child… in The Matrix. Video after the cut.

Perched on the wearer’s shoulders are animated robotic limbs that eerily crawl around the body. The robotic dress both incites the curiosity of passersby by coyly dancing around the wearer’s body while at the same time protecting the wearer if somebody approaches too fast or comes to close.

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Flatmate Desk Space Saving Work Area

For the minimalist work space that you want tucked away out of the way and out of sight when not in use, this desk really cuts the furniture footprint down to nothing.

The Flatmate desk is a fit anywhere necessity


Due to its slim depth and sleek, unobtrusive exterior it transforms long hallways into home offices, offers an intimate place for writing letters in the bedroom or serves as a temporary workplace in a weekend home as required.

FLATMATE makes practical use of such remaining spaces, which are unsuitable for conventional furniture; due to its compact dimensions this reinterpretation of the bureau is ideal for mobile living …
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Whimsical Bubble Hotel

Not for shy types, these transparent rooms allow full view of the beautiful sites where they are located, but might not be the ideal choice for a “romantic” get away.  😉  The snowing picture reminds me of an inside out snowglobe.

Not far from the city of lights, a new hotel that offers weary Parisians the chance to fall asleep beneath the glow of the stars. The Bubble Tree hotel is the brainchild of French designer Pierre-Stephane Dumas. (SOUNDBITE) PIERRE-STEPHANE DUMAS, DESIGNER OF ‘BUBBLE TREE’ SAYING (French) : “I think nearly all of us have dreamed of something like this.…
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