Review: HTC HD2 on T-Mobile

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I got to lay hands on this phone a week or so ago and it is indeed, gorgeous and fast. It is the only phone that has ever tempted me away from a physical keyboard. However, Windows Mobile is a deal breaker. If T-Mobile offered it with Android, I’m not sure I could resist. No, not will to change phone service to Sprint. 🙂

Pity the poor HD2. It’s one of the most amazing phones I’ve seen all year but like some ultra-evolved dinosaur at the end of the Cretaceous period, it was born just as a …
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Apple to developers: don't even think in Flash, bucko

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What can I say developers, once you put your head in a noose, it only gets tighter.

The latest revision of Apple’s developer licensing agreement explicitly prohibits the use of third-party software to develop for the iPhone. [Daring Fireball]

Such software lets developers use programming languages that they already know, including easy-to-learn ones like Unity Script. It also lets developers create apps that will run on multiple platforms. The big target here is clearly Adobe — though Flash itself won’t run on the iPhone, the latest version of Adobe’s development suite can also spit out a …
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Pixels, by Patrick Jean

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I, for one, welcome our 8-Bit Overlords.

» Original Source

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New Ikea laptop stand is too sexy for its name

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That’s actually a very cute laptop stand I wouldn’t mind sitting in my living room.

I think the newest laptop workstation from Ikea is far too sexy for its name. I mean, who thought it was a good idea to call something this sleek and modern “Dave?”

The stand is height adjustable and you can close the hull to hide the contents when the workstation is not in use. There is even a recessed shelf and a cable outlet in the back to help wrangle cable clutter. It’s available in both black and white, for a very …
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BioLite Camp Stove Burns Clean, Charges Gadgets

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Yes, you can now cook Ramen and claim to have a wood fire powered phone.


By Evan Ackerman

Over 3 billion people use solid fuel (like wood) for cooking. This is not ideal, since the toxic smoke from indoor cooking fires kills 1.6 million people per year while wafting up into the atmosphere where it does all kinds of other bad stuff (in total, it’s about 50% of the nastiness of CO2 when it comes to climate change).

What do you care about all this? You don’t! What you do care about (maybe) is sweet camping gear. …
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