Shared by Mystech
For all my friends in the knitting community. Pass it on… I dare you.
Ever since Mr. Riesenrollkragen was featured here two weeks ago (and immediately pulled down his entire web site in protest), I have been fascinated with giant sweaters and weird ass balaclavas.
Now, I’ve been around the block a few times, and I’ve seen my fair share of freaky shit. But for some reason it hadn’t occurred to me that there is an element of fetishism at work here. I guess I understand the idea of stockings or lingerie, or other materials that seem like they’d be pleasurable to wear. But wool just doesn’t seem remotely sexy to me. The idea of sitting around sweating in a giant poncho just sounds itchy, and not exactly boner material.
But there is in fact, a kink for everyone, and I seem to have tapped into a rich vein of wool porn over the weekend. So in the interest of giving you knitters some new product ideas, I’d like to pass on some swell fall ideas for your Etsy stores.