March 9, 2025

Share With Google Buzz



Google has made it very easy to send your Shared items in Google Reader directly to Google Buzz. However, this will bypass your articles on Did Ya See and possible deprive you of traffic to your news articles. To fix this, do the following:

While logged in to your Google Account, go to your Google Profile Page (

  1. Click the “View My Profile” button
  2. Click on the “Edit Profile” tab.
  3. Scroll down to “My Links” section. If Google Reader is listed here, remove it by clicking on “Edit” next to the name and selecting “Remove Link”.
  4. Go to “Add custom links to my profile” and enter your Did Ya See URL ( and give it a name such as “Username @ Did Ya See”. Click “Add”
  5. You should now have your newly added link in the Add Link list. Click on “Add” next to it and it will move to your “My Links” list.

Next, you’ll need to check your Google Buzz account to make sure Google has picked up your additions and changes.

  • From Google Buzz, look for “X connected sites” and click on it.
  • In the pop-up window, the first section are sites you are current sharing. If Google Reader appears here, remove it.
  • If Did Ya See does not appear here already, add it from the list on the bottom half of the window. If you have many items, you may have to use the scroll bar to reach it.

Google will scan your My Links for updates periodically and automatically post them to your Public Google Buzz. It make take a few minutes to pick up new articles, particularly at first, so be patient.